I'm looking to assemble a panel for RMCLAS 2016 (March 30-April 2) in Santa Fe, NM. The panel concerns centering animals within History or other disciplines. My paper analyzes the University of Arizona Insect Collections. I seek to complicate the normative definition of archive as a fixed, static space and analyze the technologies and media used to preserve, display, and portray insect specimens for human understanding and entertainment.
Please contact me via email at dblalock@email.arizona.edu if you are interested in participating. This call for panelists is cross posted to H-Net LatAm, Grad, and Animal.
Thank you,
Danielle Blalock
PhD Student - The University of Arizona
Department of History
http://history.arizona.edu/ user/danielle-blalock "
PhD Student - The University of Arizona
Department of History
I am working on an equestrian paper for this panel, and we are still looking for one or two more panelists.