Thursday, November 19, 2015

Signal Boost: Call For Panelists

"Hi All,

I'm looking to assemble a panel for RMCLAS 2016  (March 30-April 2) in Santa Fe, NM. The panel concerns centering animals within History or other disciplines. My paper analyzes the University of Arizona Insect Collections. I seek to complicate the normative definition of archive as a fixed, static space and analyze the technologies and media used to preserve, display, and portray insect specimens for human understanding and entertainment.

Please contact me via email at if you are interested in participating. This call for panelists is cross posted to H-Net LatAm, Grad, and Animal.

Thank you,
Danielle Blalock
PhD Student - The University of Arizona
Department of History "

I am working on an equestrian paper for this panel, and we are still looking for one or two more panelists.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Worth a read!
The National Sporting Library is a fantastic resource if you're in the Middleburg, VA area.